Thursday, 6 September 2012

Rach's Bedroom Tour!

I am super happy right now because we moved in yesterday! Well, I completely moved in, Karen moved in around a third of her stuff, and Euan is in Gran Canaria haha. So I was the only one staying over last night (Pretty creepy being alone on your first night in a tenement block with all the creepy-ass noises) but I couldn't get to sleep until I had made everything look homely.
My strategy for moving in was to put all my belongings in Euan's room next door, and then slowly put everything in my room, in its proper place. So although I miss my best mate this made me pretty glad Euan wasn't moving in at the same time! I love unpacking. I completed my make-my-room perfect task at 2:15am. 
Sorry I took these on my phone so some aren't the best quality! But I love this room so so much!! My dad came and gave me the flowers yesterday! (After helping move in a lot of my stuff!) So happy. In my happy bubble. Ah.

Rachael xx
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  1. Aww, this makes me miss uni so so much! Have a great time Rach :) xx

    1. Hi Jen! Ah, I have all this to look forward to! Starting this week! Thanks :)
      rachael xx


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